Do you like our tunes?


Listening to music while sewing is obviously a necessity!

We’ve always got the tunes playing in the back ground and we get a lot of comments (mostly compliments) on our studio playlists. We pride ourselves on knowing how to to please our audience, not only with the great classes we offer, but with the music we play while the classes are going on. For example, we’re probably not going to play Wilco for anyone younger than 18, and “Call me Maybe” is completely off limits. except for 6 year old purse parties!

We thought it would be fun to share with your our Spotify playlists so you can sew at home with the same enthusiasm as you do at our place.

You can follow us on Spotify or you can always check out our Monthly Playlists and special occasion playlists.

Check ’em out below:

M Avery Designs Studio Playlist September 2013

M Avery Designs Studio Playlist October 2013 

M Avery Designs Studio Playlist November 2013

M Avery Designs Studio Playlist December 2013